Sunday, December 29, 2024

Mrs. Ali Melissa Fatima

From Mrs. Ali Melissa Fatima
  Member Parliament Association
  Greetings my Beloved,,
  I sent this letter to you a month ago, but I am not sure if you
  received it, since I have not heard from you, and this is the reason
  why I repeat it again, due to the urgency of this matter. Let me
  by Introducing myself properly to you. My Beloved one.
  I'M MRS.FATIMA MELISSA A (Citizen oF Turkey).
  First, let me start by introducing myself My name is Mrs. Ali Fatima
 Melissa, I am visually impaired Widow,a mother of One Child and former
 Deputy Minister for Safety and Security of the Republic of Turkey
 under the auspices of the former President of Turkey, Mr. Abdullah
  I am an Elderly widow who Suffers from a prolonged illness
 (Cancer),Iam Currently Admitted to a Private Hospital.I have funds I
 inherited from My late loving husband, DR. ALI BERNARD Which he
 deposited in a Bank before his Death over Covid-19,
  and After his death, I discovered that he had some funds in a dollar
 account which amounted to the sum of US$30.5Million with a finance
 institution here in Turkey
  of which I will divulge information to you when I get your full
 consent and support to go for a change of beneficiary and subsequent
 transfer of the funds into your comfortable and conducive account of
 your choice.
  I need a very Honest and Fearing Individual that can use these funds
 for the Work of Charity and Iam offering you 20% of the principal sum
 which amounts to
  US$6,100.000.00 (Six million One Hundred Thousand United States
 Dollars Only) and 5% will be for any expenses that both of us may
 Insure in this transaction.
  You have to assure me and also be ready to go into agreement with me
 that you will not elope with my fund. If you agree to my terms, kindly
 as a matter of urgency send me an email.
  Also, I can give you my Banker's phone number and Email ID, so that
 you can contact him and discuss with him directly, as he's already
 promised to use his position to move this fund out of Turkey.Please I
 do not need to remind you of the need for absolute Confidentiality of
 this transaction.
  My regards to your family
  Yours faithfully
  Mrs. Melissa Fatima